Irish Puppies and more
Above is a typical Coolaney Irish Puppy
Below is Coolaney Crime Fighter ("Jimmy") and his sister Coolaney Canny Whackit ("Brannagh") owned by Tom and Pamela Connor and who hopefully will be excelling in jumping and agility in the not too distant future Brannagh playing in the sand This is Brannagh's mum with her in there somewhere and the rest of the brood when they were much smaller. 9 in all!!
Below are pictures of Ch. Anluan Gunna Show Ya ("Kiri"), Ned's Pride v Koudenhoven (Imp Ndl) ("Hoogie") and their litter of babies being taken good care of by Kiri. KIRI HOOGIE The babies - 3 boys 4 girls at 15 days old Coolaney Charm N Fire ("Star") "quality plus.." owners Peter and Reita Wingard. Star - now 4 months old Coolaney Casta Diva ("Tosca")
Coolaney Red Ruby ("Ruby") enjoying a romp in the back yard with her favourite "rooster" Coolaney Court Action ("Justice") Coolaney Ceconi "Celty" at home in Victoria with his cuddly friend Liz Walmsley Southern River, WA, Australia Phone : 0408 973 971 Email : [email protected] |